Monday, October 7, 2013

Utilizing Time and Space

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I have exactly 5 weeks until I am officially living in Asheville, NC and I figured why not take the time that feels like FOREVER and work on some of my 30 before 30 items! After going through the list, I decided I could be actively working on these items over the next 5 weeks:

*Conversational French:
(This is actually part of my final 21-30 list I haven't posted yet, but I promise it is on there!) I have never been one to pick up languages with ease. In high school I took 3 years of French, and pretty much felt like I didn't learn a thing. In college, I fumbled around and finally was able to skip taking ANY languages by graduating with a Bachelors of Science degree instead of a Bachelors of arts degree. At any rate, as I get older I find myself wanting more and more to be able to at least be conversational in a language. I considered starting from scratch with Italian or German, but in the end, I realize I have retained more french that I would have ever thought.
While in Colorado over a month ago, I was introduced to a really neat program called 'Duo Lingo' and have really been enjoying it. You can go online and use it, or use it as an APP for your smartphone or tablet. My goal currently over the next month, is to work on completing a  lesson a day. Does this make me conversational? No, but I still have over a year to continue on this journey.

*Week Long Cleanse:
Besides the sugar binges I have become accustomed to this summer, I consider myself a pretty healthy eater. I eat WAY MORE than I should, but the things I eat usually are the healthy side of the scale. One thing I have never experienced though is a 'cleanse'. And I want to do it. I want to see what my body goes through. I am curious. So I have picked one. It is not a fully liquid cleanse. It is lots of greens, berries, and green tea. I will do it for a week. I start tomorrow. I will report my findings after. *salutes*

*Embroider a Classy/Badass Pillow:
It is not the act of embroidery that scares me, it if the choice of words. I have my 'go to' phrases: Bitches Ain't Shit, How you livin' biggie smalls, etc. But I want something new. and I haven't decided what. Look what ya did you little jerk? Write hard and Clear about what hurts? Bitchface? Stay at home Gypsy?

*Be a Size 10 Comfortably:
I don't want to talk about this summer. But Once again, I am exercising. and I am starting a yoga program. and I am walking to and from work. and GODDAMN IT weight for ONCE IN MY LIFE wont be a problem. I have some rage, you could say. I really just, in the end, want to prove it to myself, that I have the willpower, strength, etc to do this, but also not let it rule my life.

So there we are... my next 5 weeks. This is it. Really. I don't have friends or money.

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