First, John Green, Hank Green, and all of Nerfighteria:
I know I talk about this guy all the time. I have loved him for quite a few years, and each year my love grows more and more. I just think it is amazing how they use their internet fame. Such an AMAZING example. He is funny and smart, and the issues/topics as well as the age ranges that are addressed is just spectacular. Below is the newest video about the philanthropic arm of Nerdfighteria. (BTW, the nerdfighter community in Mr. Green's own words: "The nerdfighter community isn’t even really about our videoblogs (or my books). It’s mostly about celebrating intellectualism and making cool stuff on the Internet and decreasing worldsuck."
Also, I am super stoked for the newest venture where John's Wife Sarah (the Yeti) has partnered with PBS to produce an program on Art. Sarah is the former curator of contemporary art at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.
Second, Music:
Man, I always think about how My friend Brady is SO UP TO DATE all the time, on music. I am forever behind. Which, doesn't bother me so much, except when i find this amazing band and realize I could have been enjoying them for years already. I have been listening to a really random grouping lately. My usual R&B/Hip-hop (mostly 90s centered, but with splashes of John Legend, The Roots, Raphael Saadiq (NPR tiny desk linked), Jannelle Monae, etc) But what I really wanted to share with you this second was two thoughts. First, Let's talk about pop music. I have no qualms with how much I tend to enjoy pop music. This is especially true in the fact that I try not to listen to the radio much, so it doesn't get overplayed in my mind, and it can retain what makes it fun, longer. Pop get's a lot of shit though, and I just wanted to take a moment and stand up for. I also was reminded, and wanted to remind everyone else, of how great some of the late 90s/early 2000s pop was. I just re-listened to all of 'Celebrity' by Nsync. and loved it. Go ahead, try to shit on how awesome 'Gone' was, or 'Girlfriend'. They are sugary and delicious! The second tidbit to share was about friend's recommending music. THANK GOD for that. A hat tip to Tyler currently for getting me back into (as I have some reference, and always enjoyed, but never delved into at great lengths) Mazzy Star. Currently the 'She Hangs Brightly' album is on a pretty constant rotation.
Third, Asheville:
Hey guys, I took photos throughout my last few days off. Here is a snippet of my life currently, in Asheville! (spoilers: I have two Jobs. one restaurant, one bakery. I am now working out every day like a healthy person (I also make a point to try a new Asheville beer everyday too, you know, also for health reasons...). I try to walk when I can (one job, groceries, downtown to just poke around, etc).
A Butcher Shop on the way to my bakery job. I just think it's kinda cool that there is a butcher shop. My not eating meat doesn't effect this. Also, the Highland Brewery and tasting room. It is basically what every tasting room should look like. Open, spacious, twinkle lights, industrial inside and large tables to share with friends. Still working on the 'friends' portion.
I went on my first NC resident hike a little over a week ago! It was at Rainbow falls (didn't actually go all the way to the falls, found this nice little happy place and just enjoyed nature 2/3rds of the way in). This hike was about an hour from my house.Cannot wait to discover so so so many more.
Four, News:
I am terrible at following news (if it isn't pop culture related. I admit). But I got the 'next Draft' App and man i love it. It allows me to look at the top 10 stories of a day, and click links onto read further. Everything is explained very simply, and you are given resources to look into the headlines further. and it combines all forms of news, so I find it wonderful. I feel KINDA on top of stuff, moreso than I have been in a long, long time.
Oh my word that foggy wood~! I would live there!!!