As exhausted as I am right now from working every day, and most days, I am working two jobs ( so days can stretch about 12 hours long without any 'personal' time) I am stoked for the mini vacation coming up.

Wednesday afternoon, Nick and I leave to head to Homer and Anchorage. I have been to Anchorage many a times before, and was just there 3 days ago for work, actually, but my real excitement lies in HOMER. I haven't ever been to Homer, AK before. Homer is about, 4 hours south of Anchorage, and 10 hours south of Fairbanks. I have no real plans for when Nick and I go to Homer, more just a visit to
Two Sisters Bakery, and the Homer Bookstore. And whatever little shop strikes my fancy. And just wandering about outside..... The drive itself should be amazing, as the furthest south I have been is Girdwood.... We will most likely drive from Fairbanks--Anchorage Wednesday afternoon,
Stay the night in Anchorage with friends, and then Head down to Homer Thursday Morning, stay the night, head back to Anchorage Friday afternoon (we are seeing Patton Oswalt Friday night in Anchorage), and then hang in Anchorage Saturday and Leave Sunday. Oh, and bring good ol' Mr. Firmin Back to the 'Banks with us, as he flies into Anchorage Friday night :D Sorry if this was scattered, I'm at work, exhausted, excited, and trying to multi-task!
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