Guys, GUYS. I got random shit on my mind, so here we go:
One: Let's talk about guy/girl friendships. These friendships growing up were my FAVORITE friendships. It just seemed easier. To this day, I am still way more relaxed around guys than girls, more at ease, etc. Unless I have a crush. Then I'm a bumbling idiot who apparently talks about sheet forts. Here's the thing though, as you get older, marking that initial friendship with the opposite sex is HARD AS FUCK.
See, I have moved a good deal. and in my newest venture especially, I have come across many times guys rebuffing me, or at least a few times interpreting my forthright nature as hitting on them. and it sucks. a lot. I want to outright say, DUDE listen. If I had any sort of crush on you, I probably would be too timid to talk to you , let alone outright ask to hang out. so just chillllll. I even have gone the path of thinking, sweet! That dude has a girlfriend. Safe zone. I can totally ask him to hang out, and since he is already taken, and he KNOWS I know that, this wont be misconstrued. NOPE. Apparently every male (almost) things an invitation to go grab a drink, hike, or do something active of any kind while hanging out means I want in their pants. It may be the most frustrating thing I have encountered in my adult life. (It's definitely not). I just don't get how a girls supposed to make friends dude. let me in on the secret. Do *I* have to have a bf to not be seen as threatening? BULLSHIT.
Two: it's already almost March, what the what?! I am starting to plan out my spring/summer months. I am *considering* Bonnaroo. If I can get a volunteer spot not with clean vibes, I think I will. I mean, I just cant imagine passing up Lauryn Hill. Oh god, and then she calls out special guest D'angelo and I have to take a moment and just breathe. Otherwise, my cousins wedding on the San Juan Islands in July, and a jaunt up to Alaska after that (I see myself buying tickets end of march, and I am STOKED.) I also turn 29 this year which means I have to get my ass in GEAR on some of these 30 before 30 items. and getting to the South West as I want to complete all 50 states by 30. When that happens this year I'm not too sure yet... though I want it to happen RIGHT NOW. AND another winter has gone by that I didn't make it back to Hawai'i, and that makes me sad. Will 2014/15 be that year? *shrugs*
Three: I AM SO READY FOR HIKING. and ADVENTURES. and CAMPING. and.... yeah. So ready for the warmer weather. I can't wait to see what Asheville has to offer. I am trying to step outta my comfort zone in a lot of ways too, try new activities, etc. we shall see.
Alright, little mind clearing. Sorry it's been almost 2 months since the last post. It happens y'all.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Monday, January 6, 2014
and finally, the top 10. You can all calm down now.
Alright y'all, home stretch time. For the top ten I decided I am going to give you all four songs from each album that I find perfect. I'm sure I will break this rule while writing this as well, so stay braced for a rebel.
10. The Avett Brothers- Four Thieves Gone
When it comes to a favorite Avett Brothers album, damn it is hard to choose. In the end, Four Thieves just makes me scream along in the car the most. I know you are interested in how I rank the others, so here you are, After four thieves is goes: The Gleam, Emotionalism, tie between I and Love and You and Mignonette, The Second Gleam, and I def. like their newest 'The Magpie and the Dandelion' but wasn't a huge fan of 'The Carpenter'. The first time I was even AWARE of a band called 'The Avett Brothers' was at an Oyster Bake in South Carolina in 2008. A friend of mine mentioned going to a concert of theirs, but we had VERY dissimilar musical taste, so how much he loved them made me not even give them a chance, honestly. It wasn't until Alaska, and the Summer of 2010 that I started to give them a chance, and well fell in love. had their babies. stayed with them on their death beds. It was (is) a long and true love y'all. Distraction #74, A Lover Like You, GimmieAKiss, Dancing Daze
When it comes to a favorite Avett Brothers album, damn it is hard to choose. In the end, Four Thieves just makes me scream along in the car the most. I know you are interested in how I rank the others, so here you are, After four thieves is goes: The Gleam, Emotionalism, tie between I and Love and You and Mignonette, The Second Gleam, and I def. like their newest 'The Magpie and the Dandelion' but wasn't a huge fan of 'The Carpenter'. The first time I was even AWARE of a band called 'The Avett Brothers' was at an Oyster Bake in South Carolina in 2008. A friend of mine mentioned going to a concert of theirs, but we had VERY dissimilar musical taste, so how much he loved them made me not even give them a chance, honestly. It wasn't until Alaska, and the Summer of 2010 that I started to give them a chance, and well fell in love. had their babies. stayed with them on their death beds. It was (is) a long and true love y'all. Distraction #74, A Lover Like You, GimmieAKiss, Dancing Daze
9. Arcade Fire-The Suburbs
I listened to this album straight through the first time I heard any song from it. I remember thinking that no other album in recent memory had spoken to me, and my current feelings about society at large, so accurately. I cried. I played it over on repeat. It deserves it's Grammy recognition, and though I love the albums that proceeded this one, The story they tell on this album is so on point. We Used to Wait, Sprawl II, Modern Man, The Suburbs
8. Foo Fighters- The Colour and The Shape
I remember my mom coming home one day from work, and telling me I should download on that 'Napster' the track she had just heard on Howard Stern that morning. It was of A guy named Dave Grohl, and he sang the 'most beautiful song, called, Everlong I think...' Now I knew who Dave Grohl was already. And Foo Fighters, but I had not heard this song. I was obsessed. I had lyrics on my wall. I had a boy call me and play it acoustic over the phone for me. It caused me to go out and buy this album. And to see them in concert, and eventually hear Dave as the keynote speaker at SXSW 2013. Thanks Howard Stern and mom. Thanks. Monkey Wrench, Everlong, February Stars, See You
7. Neutral Milk Hotel- In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
I honestly don't know the first time I heard this album. I want to say a friend of mine in college, sometime around my junior or senior year used to play this album a good bit. That is what my memory is giving me. And I liked it. But I didn't appreciate the album as a whole unit for sometime. I remember seeing the band Brand New in concert, and watching the lead singer Jesse, along with his opening act Kevin Devine, sing Holland 1945. But my BIGGEST memory that I have come to associate this album with is Trapper's Creek music festival in Alaska. August 2010 addition. Sitting at the campsite one day, and having what started as Daniel and Ryan Singing 'I love you Jesuuusss Chriiistttss' Slowly be joined by each individual present at the time. I like happy thoughts, don't you? Holland 1945, Two-Headed Boy, In the Aeroplane over the sea, The King of Carrot Flowers
6. Ray Lamontagne- Trouble
Sophomore year of college, just Mahoney and I at his place, playing cards. He puts on this CD while saying 'Oh Katieface, you are going to love this'. He knew I would. and I did. and I have been in love with Rays voice ever since. Many nights singing 'Trouble' with Mahoney have happened since, I have introduced Ray to my West Coast cousins, I have gone to Raleigh to see him in concert and literally not been able to remove the smile from my face the entire concert. Trouble, Hold You In My Arms, Shelter, Jolene
5. Weezer- Pinkerton
sophomore year of high school I vividly remember two upperclassmen I had Yearbook with singing different tracks from Pinkerton during class. At one point they even yelled through the halls in a question and answer type format 'Everyone's a little queer, why can't she be a little straight?'. Don't even get me started on when in college it finally clicked with all the references of 'Madam Butterfly' and this album. Mind. Was. Blown. I have been a Weezer fan since before I realized who Weezer really were, but this album tops them all for me. Yes, even moreso than the Blue Album. Butterfly, Pink Triangle, El Scorcho, Falling for you
4. Neil Young-Harvest
Though I grew up with this album being played in the house on occasions (thanks dad!) it didn't fully sink in until college, once again the scene is set for Mahoney's, singing and drinking and singing to this full album. You're ridiculous if you don't find this album enjoyable from start to finish. Old Man, Damage Done, Alabama, Out on the Weekend
3. Lauryn Hill-The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
For how much I love 90s Hip Hop and R&B, it is severely under represented on this list. But I will let Lauryn do her part to rectify that. When this album came out, I was already well aware of Ms. Hill from the Fugees and the movie 'Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit'. Every track, Every interlude, everything about this entire album is perfection to me. You really should just listen to the entire album, but here try these four first. To Zion, Every Ghetto Every City, Nothing Even Matters ( feat. D' about perfection), Superstar
2. Jeff Buckley- Grace
I don't even know where to begin with this album. To this day I still can put this album on in the car and sing and yell and cry all at once. I have too many strong memories associated with this album to get into, but to this day, 'Lover, You Should have come over' still stands as my favorite track of all time, and honestly I cant imagine it being replaced. I can't pick four tracks, it doesn't do the album justice.
Also, I thought this was a great cover of 'Lover'. Not many people could do this song justice. Not perfect, but not too shabby.
1. Brand New - Deja Entendu
Oh this album. Some may say it is sophomoric. I will say I don't care. This album is so quotable. So great to sing along with. One of the best concerts I've ever been to. I got into this album my Freshman year of college, and it helped me meet my first serious boyfriend. Make connections with some of my best friends. Be angsty on a Xanga account, and get judgmental looks from my peers later in life. Ill take it all. Once again, the full album.
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